Catasaurus Rex, Kucing Sepanjang 1 Meter | PHOTOS

Seekor kucing yang memiliki panjang 1 meter akhirnya menemukan rumah. Kucing yang diberi nama Catasaurus Rex tersebut menjadi kucing jalanan selama beberapa bulan karena nafsu makannya yang besar.

Rex memiliki berat badan 10 kilogram. Beberapa orang enggan mengadopsinya karena ia memiliki ukuran yang sangat besar dan makan sangat banyak. Ia kemudian dibawa ke penampungan hewan di Massachusetts. Pemilik penampungan tersebut mempromosikan Rex melalui situsnya.

Pasangan dari Boston, AS, akhirnya memutuskan untuk mengadopsi Rex setelah melihatnya di website.

Lazy beast: The three-year-old was adopted by Andrew Milicia and girlfriend Emily Zarvos last month, and quickly made himself at home

"Ketika pertama kali melihat Rex, ia tampak seperti monster. Tapi ia sangat keren. Ia lebih besar daripada anjing," ujar pengadopsi kucing tersebut, Andrew Milicia, seperti yang dikutip dari

The three-year-old was adopted by Andrew Milicia and girlfriend Emily Zarvos last month, and quickly made himself at home.   The three-year-old was adopted by Andrew Milicia and girlfriend Emily Zarvos last month, and quickly made himself at home.

Milicia mengatakan, Rex sekarang sudah merasa seperti di rumah. Rex bahkan telah menjadikan sofa di rumah Milicia sebagai tempat tidurnya.

Feline weak: Emily says she struggles to pick him up sometimes because he weighs so much

Pasangan Milicia dan Emily Zarvos berhasil membawa Rex setelah mengalahkan 50 orang lainnya yang ingin mengadopsi Rex.

The giant feline become an internet hit dubbed 'Catasaurus Rex' when he was advertised on the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals website.  The giant feline become an internet hit dubbed 'Catasaurus Rex' when he was advertised on the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals website.

Long cat: They say he takes up most of the couch when he's laid out

Ravenous beast: Emily says he's like a dog when it comes to food - 'he'll come in and sit right in front of you and just stare at you until the plates gone'

Heavyweight: They've only had him for two months but already Pickles is proving quite the handful

'Catasaurus Rex': Monster moggy Pickles - nicknamed Catasaurus Rex - has finally found a place to live after a young Boston couple saw an advert online and took pity on him


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